France Stele Institute of Art History Library



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Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta, knjižnica
Novi trg 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 470 6100

The Library of the France Stele Institute of Art History includes some 20,000 titles of art history literature. Information on recent acquisitions is accessible through the COBISS computer system while older publications are catalogued in alphabetical files and can be found on

See also

External links

Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta, knjižnica +
Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta, knjižnica +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Novi trg 4 +
The Library of the France Stele Institute of Art History includes some 20,000 titles of art history literature. +
The Library of the France Stele Institute of Art History includes some 20,000 titles of art history literature. +
+386 / 1 470 6100 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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